

Zápisky z cest

Je legrace se prepravovat v Bangkoku...

Czech and english version :-) Je legrace se prepravovat v Bangkoku mistni autobusovou dopravou. Na informacich.Dostanete se tam autobusem cislo 59 oranzove barvy. Prijede autobus cislo 59 oranzove barvy, uvnitr se ale dozvidam ze autobusy oranzove barvy jsou rozdeleny jeste na tri jine druhy. S modrym ,bilym nebo cervenym napisem vepredu.Nejsem ve spravnem .Vystupuji na dalsi zastavce a cekam na oranzovy autobus se spravnym modrym napisem, ktery me doveze tam kam potrebu ji. Po 30 minutach prijizdi konecne autobus cislo 59. Cervene barvy s cervenym napisem :-). Nema cas uz cekat a beru taxi. :-)
I have great fun with travelling by public bus transport in Bangkok. At the information counter.I got information.You will reach that place by bus number 59 with orange color.I got in orange bus number 59, but inside of bus I learn that the buses with orange color are divided in other three types of buses. With blue, white or red plate in front of the bus.Im not in right one. I got out at the next bus stop and waited for orange bus with correct blue plate which take me to my destination. In 30 minutes is finally coming bus number 59. Red color with red plate :-). I have not time to wait more.Im taking the taxi :-)

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